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Children's Dictionary
silicon a hard, dark gray substance that is a chemical element. It is found in silica, a compound that makes up one fourth of the earth's crust. Silicon is used in making glass, concrete, bricks, and computer chips. (symbol: Si)
slate a dark or bluish gray color. [1/3 definitions]
somber of a dark shade or condition. [1/2 definitions]
sullen dark and filled with gloom. [1/2 definitions]
sunglasses a pair of eyeglasses with dark lenses to protect the eyes from bright sunlight.
suntan a dark coloring of the skin as a result of exposure to strong sunlight or a sun lamp.
tar1 a dark, heavy, sticky substance made from wood, coal, or peat. Tar is used to cover roads and protect roofs.
taupe a dark brownish gray color.
thrush1 a common songbird that can be found in many parts of the world. Many thrushes have a dark upper body and a spotted breast. The robin and bluebird are kinds of thrushes.
thundercloud a large, dark storm cloud that makes lightning and thunder. Thunderclouds are charged with electricity.
tornado a storm of very strong winds that often form a dark cloud that is shaped like a funnel. Although it does not last long, a tornado destroys everything in its path.
unclear dark or cloudy; hard to see; not clear. [1/2 definitions]
vulture a large bird that usually has dark feathers and a bald head and neck. There are many kinds of vulture. These birds are related to hawks and feed on dead animals.
walnut the hard, dark wood of such a tree. Walnut is used to make furniture. [2/4 definitions]
wampum white and dark beads made from polished shells. Some American Indian peoples used wampum as money or decoration.
water buffalo a large buffalo with dark gray fur that lives mainly in the southern parts of Asia. Water buffalo have curved horns that can span six feet from one tip to the other. Water buffalo weigh up to one ton. They are very strong, and people often use them to pull heavy loads.
wolverine a mammal with a long, thick body, short legs, and a bushy tail. Wolverines have dark fur with white marks on the face and body. They are the largest kind of weasel, and may grow over three feet long. Wolverines hunt many kinds of animals, including large mammals. They live in the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.
zucchini a type of summer squash that is shaped like a cucumber and has a smooth, dark green skin.