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Children's Dictionary
sketch a quick or rough design, outline, or draft for a written work. [1/5 definitions]
smooth not rough; even. [1/8 definitions]
snort to push air through the nose in a noisy, rough, and forceful way. [2/4 definitions]
soft smooth; not rough. [1/9 definitions]
thug a criminal who is rough or uses violence.
toad a small animal that looks like a frog and has dry, rough skin. Toads are amphibians, but live mostly on land rather than in or near water.
tough hard to control; rough. [1/6 definitions]
tweed a rough, wool cloth woven with at least two colors. Tweed is used to make coats and suits.
uneven not smooth, regular, or flat; rough or jagged. [1/5 definitions]