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Children's Dictionary
skunk a small mammal with black and white fur and a bushy tail. Skunks defend themselves with a spray that smells very bad. They are active at night, when they hunt rodents, insects, and eggs. Several kinds of skunks live in North and South America. They are related to badgers, otters, and other kinds of weasels. [1/2 definitions]
sloth a mammal that spends its entire life in trees, using its long claws to hang upside down. Sloths live in the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. They move very slowly, and their long fur turns green from algae growing in it. Sloths are related to armadillos and anteaters. [1/2 definitions]
squirrel a small rodent that is active during the day. There are many kinds of squirrels found all around the world. The word "squirrel" is often used to refer to tree squirrels, small rodents with long, bushy tails. Tree squirrels have gray, red brown, or black fur.
stoat the European name for a weasel, especially for ermines when they have brown fur in summer.
stole2 a woman's long scarf of fur or cloth.
Tasmanian devil a mammal with black fur and a tail like a cat's tail. Tasmanian devils live in burrows. They are fierce hunters and will eat almost anything. Tasmanian devils are marsupials that live in Australia.
tiger a large, very strong mammal with short, yellow-orange fur and black stripes. Tigers are carnivores. They live in several parts of Asia but are endangered in all their habitats. Tigers are the largest of the big cats and are closely related to lions, leopards, and other cats that roar.
vole a small rodent with gray or brown fur, short legs, and a short tail. Voles are rodents closely related to lemmings and mice. Many kinds of voles are found in Europe, Asia, North America, and northern Africa. In North America, voles are sometimes called field mice.
water buffalo a large buffalo with dark gray fur that lives mainly in the southern parts of Asia. Water buffalo have curved horns that can span six feet from one tip to the other. Water buffalo weigh up to one ton. They are very strong, and people often use them to pull heavy loads.
weasel a small mammal with brown fur, a long body and neck, and short legs. Various kinds of weasels are found in the northern parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America. Weasels hunt at night for rabbits and rodents. Polecats, ferrets, and mink are closely related to true weasels. Weasels living in very cold regions grow white fur and are called ermine.
wolverine a mammal with a long, thick body, short legs, and a bushy tail. Wolverines have dark fur with white marks on the face and body. They are the largest kind of weasel, and may grow over three feet long. Wolverines hunt many kinds of animals, including large mammals. They live in the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.
wombat a mammal with brown fur and short, thick legs. Wombats are Australian marsupials that live in burrows and eat plants. They are closely related to koalas.
woodchuck a rodent with a thick body and shaggy brown fur. Woodchucks live in burrows and sleep all winter. They are also called groundhogs. Woodchucks are common in Canada and the northeastern United States
yak1 a large, heavy mammal with long hair. Yaks are closely related to cattle. They live in Tibet and Central Asia. People raise yaks to carry loads and for their milk, fur, and leather. Very few yaks are left in the wild.