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Children's Dictionary
solid a figure in geometry or some other object that has length, depth, and height. [1/8 definitions]
solve to find or figure out an answer to.
spade2 a black figure shaped like a pointed leaf with a short stem, used on playing cards. [1/3 definitions]
sphere a round, solid figure in which every point on the surface is an equal distance from the center. [1/2 definitions]
square a flat, closed figure with four straight sides of equal length and four angles of equal measure. [1/22 definitions]
symbol a sign or figure that represents a particular number, quality, or process. [1/2 definitions]
trapezoid a flat, closed figure with four straight sides. Of these sides, only two are parallel. [1/2 definitions]
tree ring the layer of wood made by a tree during a single year; annual ring. It is possible to figure out the age of a tree that has fallen or has been cut down by counting its rings.
triangle a flat, closed figure that has three straight sides. [1/2 definitions]