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stable1 When something is stable, it is firm or steady in position. It will not shake or move easily. [1/2 definitions]
tambourine A tambourine is a small drum in the shape of a circle that you hold in one hand. A tambourine has round metal things attached around the outside so you can just shake the tambourine along with music to make sounds, or you can hit it with your other hand too. Some tambourines are just a circle of wood with the same kind of metal pieces that hit each other when you shake the tambourine.
tremble to shake from fear, weakness, or cold. [1/2 definitions]
unconscious If a person is unconscious, they are alive and seem to be sleeping, but they are not really sleeping. They will not "wake up" if there is a loud noise or if you shake them. Their brain is not working in the normal way. If a person gets a hard hit on the head, they may become unconscious. Being unconscious is usually temporary.