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Children's Dictionary
stout having physical strength; sturdy; thick. [1/3 definitions]
strong having or showing great physical power or strength. [1/7 definitions]
stunt2 an act of skill, strength, or bravery. [1/2 definitions]
superhero a character in cartoons or movies who has special powers, such as very great strength or the ability to fly, and uses these powers to help humans and fight against evil in the universe.
tire1 to use up the strength and energy of; make tired. [1/4 definitions]
tiring causing a loss of strength or energy. [1/2 definitions]
tone a single sound that is thought of as having pitch, strength, or length. [1/7 definitions]
tonic something that brings back or refreshes strength or energy. [2 definitions]
trust a belief in the strength or truth of a person or thing. [1/8 definitions]
wan without strength; weak. [1/2 definitions]
wax2 to grow or increase in amount, size or strength. [1/2 definitions]
weak not having much physical strength or power. [1/4 definitions]
weaken to become weak or weaker; to lose strength. [1/2 definitions]
will2 strength; desire; control. [1/7 definitions]