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Children's Dictionary
tag1 a piece of cardboard, thin metal, or plastic that is attached to something or someone. [1/3 definitions]
tape a long narrow strip of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. Tape is used to stick things together. [1/4 definitions]
template a pattern used as a guide for cutting or drawing. Templates are usually made of thin metal, wood, or plastic.
tent a shelter made of canvas, nylon, or plastic. A tent is held up by poles and attached to the ground with stakes. [1/2 definitions]
terrarium a closed container for growing small plants or keeping small animals. A terrarium is usually made of clear glass or plastic.
thimble a small cup worn to protect the finger that pushes the needle through cloth when sewing. A thimble is usually made of a hard material such as metal or plastic.
thong a sandal held on the foot by a narrow leather, rubber, or plastic strap that passes between the first and second toes. [1/2 definitions]
tiddlywinks (used with a singular verb) a table game in which the players press large plastic disks against the edges of small ones in order to make the small ones jump into a cup.
token a piece of metal or plastic shaped like a coin and used in place of money for a specific and limited purpose. [1/2 definitions]
tray a flat, open piece of wood, metal, or plastic used to carry, hold, or display food, drink, or small items. It often has a low rim. [1/2 definitions]
vinyl a tough, shiny plastic made from a resin. Phonograph records, floor coverings, and water pipes are some things that are made of vinyl.
weld to join metal or plastic by using heat, followed either by pressure or by adding a melted material. [1/2 definitions]
windscreen the British word for a curved piece of glass or plastic attached to the front of a car or other vehicle to protect the driver and riders from the wind. "Windscreen" has the same meaning as "windshield."
windshield a curved piece of glass or plastic attached to the front of a car or other vehicle to protect the driver and riders from the wind.
yo-yo a toy made of two thick wooden or plastic disks connected by a peg around which a string is tied. One plays with a yo-yo by holding the end of the string and moving the hand to cause the disk unit to roll up and down the string.