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Children's Dictionary
teal the color that comes from mixing green, blue, and a small amount of black paint. [1/2 definitions]
tiger a large, very strong mammal with short, yellow-orange fur and black stripes. Tigers are carnivores. They live in several parts of Asia but are endangered in all their habitats. Tigers are the largest of the big cats and are closely related to lions, leopards, and other cats that roar.
Turkey a country in western Asia and southeastern Europe between the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Ankara is the capital of Turkey.
tuxedo a complete suit of evening clothes for men that are worn on very formal occasions. A tuxedo consists, usually, of a black jacket, black trousers with a shiny, black side stripe, and a special white shirt. It is worn with a bow tie. Some tuxedo jackets have long "tails" at the back.
whippoorwill a bird with gray, black, and white feathers that lives in eastern North America and eats insects. The whippoorwill sings at night, and its call sounds like its name.
whooping crane a large North American bird, now rare, with black and white feathers and a loud, whooping call.
yellow jacket a wasp or hornet that has a black body with bright yellow markings. Yellow jackets live together in large groups in nests close to or under the ground.