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threshold the piece of wood or stone underneath a door that forms the bottom of the doorway. [1/2 definitions]
transom a small window above a door. A transom is often attached with a hinge so that it can be opened and shut.
trapdoor a door that is fitted into a floor, ceiling, or roof. Some trapdoors open and close by sliding, and others use a hinge.
trick-or-treat When you trick-or-treat, you do a certain special thing on the holiday of Halloween. You put on a costume in the evening and go to different neighbors' houses. At each house, you knock on the door. When a friendly neighbor opens the door, you say in a loud voice, "Trick or treat!" Then the neighbor usually smiles at you in your costume and gives you a treat, such as candy, popcorn, or fruit.
van2 A van is a vehicle that has a lot of space to move goods, furniture, or people. It has a higher ceiling than a car, and sometimes it has no seats in the back. A van usually has a sliding door on one side and may or may not have windows in the back.
with When your dad locks the door with a key, it means that he locks the door by using a key. If you write with a pen, you write by using a pen. [1/4 definitions]
woodwork door and window frames and other wooden parts inside a house, or other objects or parts made of wood.