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Children's Dictionary
town house a home in a city that is part of a row of similar homes. A town house has two or three floors and is connected to the other homes in the row by shared walls. [1/2 definitions]
tri- a prefix that means "three."
triangle a flat, closed figure that has three straight sides. [1/2 definitions]
tricycle a vehicle with three wheels ridden by pushing pedals with one's feet.
trio a group of three people who sing or play musical instruments together. [2/3 definitions]
triple three times as much; three times as many. [5/7 definitions]
triplet one of three children or animals born at a single birth.
tripod a stand with three legs used to support a camera or telescope.
trumpet a brass wind instrument. Trumpets have three valves on a looped tube that ends in a bell shape. Trumpets produce bright, strong, piercing tones. Wind instruments made out of other materials that have a similar shape or sound to a trumpet can also be called a trumpet. [1/4 definitions]
two the number that comes after one and before three in the sequence of cardinal numbers; 2. [1/3 definitions]
volume the size of a three-dimensional space enclosed within or occupied by an object. [1/5 definitions]
waltz a round dance for two people. The waltz is a dance with three beats. [1/3 definitions]
wolverine a mammal with a long, thick body, short legs, and a bushy tail. Wolverines have dark fur with white marks on the face and body. They are the largest kind of weasel, and may grow over three feet long. Wolverines hunt many kinds of animals, including large mammals. They live in the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.
yard1 a unit of length equal to three feet or 0.9144 meters. (abbreviated: yd.) [1/2 definitions]
yardstick a measuring stick three feet long. [1/2 definitions]