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P2 symbol of the chemical element phosphorus.
p the sixteenth letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions]
p. abbreviation of "page."
PA1 abbreviation of "Pennsylvania."
pace1 the length of one step; stride. [8 definitions]
pacemaker a small electronic device put under the skin to control the heart rate in people with heart problems.
Pacific the largest ocean in the world. It lies between North America and Asia in the north, and South America and Australia in the south; Pacific Ocean.
Pacific Ocean the largest ocean in the world, separating Asia and North America, and Australia and South America, and extending as far south as the Southern Ocean; Pacific.
pacify to calm or bring back peace of mind to.
-pack a suffix that means a package containing that number of items.
pack1 a group of things arranged together in a container; package. [9 definitions]
package an object or bundle that is packed, wrapped, or boxed; bundle. [3 definitions]
packet a small bundle or parcel.
pact an agreement or a sworn promise. [2 definitions]
pad1 a piece of soft material used as cushioning for protection or comfort. [7 definitions]
paddle an oar with a wide, flat blade and long handle. A paddle is used with both arms for moving a small boat through the water. A paddle is not attached to the boat. [4 definitions]
paddleboat a boat that is propelled by the movement of a large wheel with many blades called "paddles" attached to it. The wheel is usually turned in the water by the power of steam.
paddle wheel a wheel that has boards or paddles fixed at right angles around it. A paddle wheel is used to move a river steamboat.
paddock a field surrounded by a fence, near a barn. Animals graze or exercise in a paddock. [2 definitions]
paddy a flooded field for growing rice.
padlock a lock with a bar shaped like a U used to fasten doors, boxes, or cables. One end of the bar moves on a hinge. The other end of the bar is slipped through a ring before being snapped into the body of the lock. [2 definitions]