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Word part Type Origin Definition
dom2 root Latin house
dom1, domin root Latin master
don, donat, dat root Latin give
dont, odont, odonto, -odon root Greek tooth, teeth
dox, dogma root Greek opinion, belief
du, duo root Latin two
duc, duct root Latin lead; draw along
dyn, dyna, dynam, dynamo root Greek power, energy, strength
dys- prefix Greek bad, difficult, abnormal
e- prefix Latin out, out of, away
ec, ect, ecto root Greek out, outside
eco root Greek habitat, environment
-ee noun-forming suffix Latin person who undergoes or receives
-eer noun-forming suffix Latin one who does or is related to
ef- prefix Latin out, out of, away
ego root Latin I, self
electr root Greek electric
-en1 verb-forming suffix Old English to cause to be or become or have
-en2 adjective-forming suffix Old English made of
en-1, em-1 prefix Latin to put into; cause to be or have
en-2, em-2 prefix Greek in, into, inside