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Children's Dictionary
Multi-word Results
by water by way of a boat or ship.
fish out of water someone in a place or situation where he or she does not feel comfortable.
fresh water water that is not salty.
in hot water (informal) in a bad situation; in trouble.
salt water water to which salt has been added. [2 definitions]
soda water water filled with carbon dioxide. It is used to mix and drink.
tread water to keep floating in an upright position with just the head above water by moving the legs and feet as though walking.
water buffalo a large buffalo with dark gray fur that lives mainly in the southern parts of Asia. Water buffalo have curved horns that can span six feet from one tip to the other. Water buffalo weigh up to one ton. They are very strong, and people often use them to pull heavy loads.
water cycle the process by which water on the earth evaporates, then condenses in the atmosphere, and then returns to earth in the form of precipitation.
water hole a place in a dry area, such as desert, where water comes up from the ground and where animals come to drink.
water lily a plant that grows in a pond or lake. Water lilies have large, flat, floating leaves and pretty flowers in various colors. [2 definitions]
water moccasin a venomous snake found in swamps or wet areas of the southern United States. The water moccasin is brown or olive in color and shows the white inside of its mouth when threatened.