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Intermediate Dictionary


make one's hair stand on end
Homophone Note, Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a thin, thread-like strand that grows from the skin of humans and other mammals.
We looked at a hair under the microscope.
definition 2: a mass of such strands growing on a person's head or on the skin of a mammal.
Her hair is messy.
similar words:
coat, lock
definition 3: a tiny amount.
This sauce needs a hair more salt.
phrase: make one's hair stand on end
derivation: hairlike (adj.)
Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word hare (a rabbit)? Hair and hare sound alike but have different meanings.
Word Builder: hair +
  • hairbrush:
    a brush for the hair.
  • haircut:
    a way of cutting the hair on your head.
  • hairdresser:
    a person whose job is to cut and style hair.
  • hairnet:
    a net to cover the hair and keep it in place.
Word Explorer
negatively associated with hair
place for hair care
some hair colors
some hair styles
some activities that involve hair
some arrangements of hair
some descriptions of hair
some functions of hair
some kinds of hair
some parts of hair
some people associated with hair
some things made from hair
some things that affect hair
some things used for hair care
without hair