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de·pend·ent (de·pend·ant)

dependent (dependant)

dih pen dihnt
Word Parts
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: When you are dependent, you can't live or do necessary things without the help of someone else. When you are dependent on someone, you get help from them, and you need their help because you can't do things yourself.
The baby birds are dependent on their parents for food.After my grandmother broke her leg, she was dependent on my mom for a long time.
similar words:
helpless, minor, young
definition 2: When one thing is dependent on something else, it means that the first thing is decided by what happens with the second thing. Being able to swim outside is often dependent on the weather, for example. If it's sunny, then swimming is possible. If there's a big storm, then swimming is probably not possible.
How long the grass gets in the summer is dependent on how much rain there is.Ryan's family hopes to move to a nicer apartment, but his mom says it is dependent on her getting a new job.
similar words:
likely, possible, relative, subject
derivation: dependently (adv.)
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