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Word History, Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: noun
inflections: energies
definition 1: When something has energy, it has power to do work or be active. You need energy to walk, run, climb, or even to get out of bed in the morning.
After Austin rode his bike all morning, he didn't have the energy to go swimming with us.My grandma has plenty of energy in the morning, but she gets tired in the afternoon.
force, power
similar words:
definition 2: Energy is power or heat that comes from sources such as the sun, wind, moving water, natural gas, or oil. Energy from these and other sources can be used to generate electricity or give power to cars. Humans use energy to stay warm, cook, produce light, and make things move or operate.
Plants use the energy of the sun to grow.Our town gets a lot of its energy for electricity from wind.
similar words:
definition 3: When you do something with energy, you do it with strength and with a cheerful attitude.
She worked at building the boat with a lot of energy.
similar words:
action, life, liveliness, spirit
Word History
Energy is from energos, an ancient Greek word that means "active or working." The word "energy" was first used in the scientific sense of mechanical or electrical energy in the 1800s.
Word Explorer
conventionally associated with energy
some descriptions of energy
some kinds of energy
some sources of energy
some things that produce energy
some things that require energy
some units for measuring energy
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