Word Explorer
Dictionary Suite
Intermediate Dictionary



je n reI shn
Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a level or single step in the history of a family.
You and your grandparents are separated by two generations.
definition 2: the group of living things or people born at one particular level or step in a family or family-like hierarchy.
Brothers, sisters, and cousins are of the same generation.The money and property was passed down to the next generation of the family.Kiko and her sister Koko are the third generation of these animals born at the zoo.
definition 3: in biology, the set of living beings that are currently at the same stage of development within a life cycle.
With each new generation, these insects became better adapted to the pesticide until it was no longer effective against them.
definition 4: the period of time between the birth of parents and the birth of their children, or a period of time that is about that long.
Our pizza recipe has been in our family for five generations.Technology has changed a lot in one generation.
definition 5: the entire group of people in a society who were born around the same time.
People of my grandmother's generation did not have video games when they were kids.
similar words:
definition 6: the act or process of generating or creating.
With the help of a microscope, it is possible to see the generation of new cells.
creation, formation, origination, production
similar words:
development, launch, start
Word Explorer
  history, reproduction
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