Word Explorer
Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
Word Explorer
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: sucks, sucking, sucked
definition 1: to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips to create a partial vacuum.
The child sucked the juice through a straw.
definition 2: to drain the liquid contents of in this way.
The runners sucked orange slices.
definition 3: to hold in the mouth and squeeze with the tongue.
The baby is sucking her thumb.
definition 4: to consume by dissolving in the mouth.
Suck a hard candy if you're thirsty.
definition 5: to take in by or as though by suction.
The flowers sucked water from the vase.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to pull something, esp. milk from the breast, into the mouth by using the tongue and lips to create a partial vacuum; suckle.
definition 2: to pull in or be pulled in by or as if by suction.
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the act or an instance of sucking.
definition 2: a sucking force or movement; suction.
definition 3: the sound made by sucking.
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