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Intermediate Dictionary



parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: verb
pronunciation: sr veI [or] suhr veI
inflections: surveys, surveying, surveyed
definition 1: to have a general look at.
He surveyed the house that is for sale.
look over, scan
similar words:
behold, consider, observe, regard, review, scout
definition 2: to examine carefully or in detail.
She surveyed the report for mistakes before handing it in.
examine, observe, scan, scrutinize, study
similar words:
appraise, contemplate, inspect, pore over, probe, regard, view, watch
definition 3: to measure the shape, area, and elevation of with special instruments.
Those men are surveying the land out here because the town wants to build a new road.
similar words:
chart, measure, pace
part of speech: noun
pronunciation: suhr veI
inflections: surveys
definition 1: an investigation that examines a wide area or topic and tries to find answers to certain questions, or a summary of an investigation like this.
A recent survey by scientists found that fewer than one hundred of these unique animals were still living in the wild.Wang's survey of the research into the causes of these severe headaches was very useful reading.
definition 2: a general look at or review of something.
This class is a survey of American history.
similar words:
definition 3: the collecting of information on a particular subject from a small portion of the public.
They did a phone survey of women over forty for their opinions of the new law.
definition 4: the act of finding out the shape, area, and elevation of a piece of land.
They did a survey of the property.
definition 5: a report, usually in the form of a map or description, that results from doing a survey of a piece of land.
Word Explorer
  geography, measure, measurement
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