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th  weak form [or] thi  strong form
Homophone Note
part of speech: definite article
definition 1: used before a noun when the noun is something specific or already mentioned.
The scarf I wanted had red tassels.
definition 2: used before titles.
I read a poem called "The Ancient Mariner."
definition 3: used before something that is the most fashionable or that stands out more than anything else (pronounced like the word "thee").
Mack's Grill is THE restaurant when it comes to family dining.
definition 4: used before a proper name.
We went swimming in the Mississippi River.
definition 5: used before a decade.
My parents were born in the sixties.
definition 6: used to indicate a group.
She's learning all about the Aztecs in her history class.
Homophone Note
The words the1 and thee can sound alike, but they have different meanings.