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catch up

part of speech: phrase
definition 1: to reach the same distance or level as another or others who are further ahead (usu. fol. by "to" or "with").
Stop and let me catch up with you!Because she was ill for a week, she needed some extra help to catch up to the rest of the students.
similar words:
approach, overcome, overhaul, overtake
definition 2: to reach a stage of completeness or full satisfaction, but later than originally required or intended (usu. fol. by "on" or "with").
She uses the weekends to catch up on her sleep.He fell behind in his work because of his vacation, but he's catching up with everything now.
definition 3: to learn what has been happening in the lives of others after a period of having lost communication (often fol. by "with").
Let's get together over coffee and then we can catch up.So nice to see you again! It's been great to catch up.I hadn't seen her in a long time, but we spoke the other day and caught up with each other.