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Note, Word History, Word Builder, Word Parts
part of speech: verb
inflections: adopts, adopting, adopted
definition 1: When you adopt something, you accept a new thing and make it your own. When people adopt a baby, the baby becomes part of their family. When people adopt pets, they bring them into their home and care for them for a long time.
My mom and dad adopted a little girl from China, so now I have a sister.I wanted to adopt a kitten, but my parents said no.
similar words:
definition 2: When a government or group adopts a law or rule, it means they accept it by voting for it.
In our family, we adopted the rule of no phones during dinner.
approve, pass
similar words:
back, vote for
derivations: adoptable (adj.), adopter (n.)
adopt or adapt?
Adopt means to accept a new thing as your own. Adapt means to make changes because of a new purpose or situation.
  • We adopted a puppy from the animal shelter.
  • The puppy soon adapted to its new home.
Word History
The English word adopt is from a Latin word adoptare that means "to choose for oneself" or "to choose as one's own." If you take away the prefix ad- from adoptare, the word optare is left. Optare means "to choose freely." Other English words that come from optare include "option" (a choice) and "opt" (choose).
Word Builder: adopt +
  • adopted:
    having been accepted by law.
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