Word Explorer
Dictionary Suite
Intermediate Dictionary


parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Explorer
part of speech: verb
inflections: casts, casting, cast
definition 1: to throw or fling.
The princess cast the ring out the window.
fling, pitch, throw
similar words:
chuck, heave, hurl, sling, toss
definition 2: to turn towards.
I was almost to my seat when the teacher cast his eyes on me.
address, direct
similar words:
definition 3: to give forth; direct or project.
The tree cast a long shadow on the grass.This book casts light on the history of our nation.
direct, shed, spread, throw
similar words:
bestow, broadcast, disperse, distribute, give, scatter, sow
definition 4: in fishing, to throw out into the air.
He cast his fishing line into the river.
similar words:
hurl, launch, propel, throw
definition 5: to choose for a part in a play or film.
They cast him as the king in the play.
choose, pick, select
similar words:
appoint, assign, designate
definition 6: to form into a hard object by pouring or setting material into a mold.
The artist will cast a statue of a lion for the zoo entrance.
form, mold, shape
similar words:
model, sculpt, work
definition 7: to give, in a formal vote.
We each cast a vote for the class president.
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the act of throwing or casting.
His cast of the fishing line was too short to reach the deep part of the stream.
fling, throw, toss
similar words:
broadcasting, chuck, distribution, heave, sowing
definition 2: a mold in which an object is formed when a liquid poured into it becomes solid.
They poured the liquid gold into the cast.
similar words:
model, pattern, set, shape, stamp
definition 3: an object shaped by a mold; casting.
The dentist made a cast of her teeth.
similar words:
model, reproduction, shape
definition 4: a thick, stiff covering for an injured limb or joint, especially one in which the bone is broken. A cast is made of cloth and some kind of liquid material that can become very hard and solid.
They put a cast on her broken arm at the hospital.He had to wear a cast on his leg for two months.
similar words:
plaster, splint
definition 5: a group of people acting in a play or film.
They were invited backstage to meet the cast after the play.
actors, performers, players
similar words:
actresses, company, troupe
Word Explorer
  film, fish, industry, injury, skeleton, theater