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Elementary Dictionary



sen tr
parts of speech:
noun, verb
Word Parts
part of speech: noun
definition 1: The center of a circle is the exact middle of the circle.
Matt put a red dot as close to the center of his circle as he could.
similar words:
axis, middle
definition 2: A center is the middle part of anything. If your school is in the center of your town, it is in the middle of it.
They moved the furniture into the center of the room so they could paint the walls.The center of our planet Earth is very hot.
core, heart, middle
similar words:
belly, nucleus
definition 3: A center is a place of activity that many people come to from different places.
New York City is a center of business in the United States.We went to the shopping center on Saturday.My uncle took me to the medical center when I broke my leg.
base, focus, nucleus
similar words:
core, home, seat
part of speech: verb
inflections: centers, centering, centered
definition: When you center something, you put it in the center. You give it the same amount of space on each side.
Our teacher told us to put the name of our story at the top of the page and to center it.
similar words:
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