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Elementary Dictionary



ka lm
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A column is something that supports a roof or a ceiling in a building. A column is tall, narrow, and strong. Often it is made from stone.
The capitol building in Washington D.C. has many columns on the outside.
similar words:
definition 2: A column is a section of a chart or page that goes down the page, not across. There is always more than one column, and each column is separated from the others by a line or by empty space. Many newspapers are written in columns, and charts often have columns that go down the page and rows that go across.
I read down the list of words in the first column. Then I started at the top of the next column.We all wrote our names in the first column and our addresses in the second column.
definition 3: A column is an article or other piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine that appears on a regular schedule.
My older sister and my father like to read the sports columns on Sunday mornings. They both love sports.
definition 4: A column of numbers or words is a list of these things that goes down a page, not across.
I added up the column of numbers.