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pig an animal with a wide, flat nose, four short legs, a thick body, and a short, curly tail. Pigs are mammals with hooves. Wild pigs often have tusks. Domestic pigs are raised for their meat, which is called pork. Adult pigs are also called hogs. [2 definitions]
pigeon a bird with a plump body, small head, and short legs. Some kinds of pigeons are also called rock doves.
piggyback upon the shoulders or back.
piggy bank a small bank in which coins are put through a slot and saved. Piggy banks are in the shape of a pig.
piglet a young pig.
pigment anything that is used to or serves to provide color. [2 definitions]
pigpen a yard or cage where pigs are kept.
pigsty an enclosed area or cage where pigs are kept; pigpen. [2 definitions]
pigtail a braid of hair that hangs from the head.
pike1 a fish that lives in fresh water and has a long, flat snout. Pike are used for food or sport.
pile1 a number of things on top of each other; heap; stack. [6 definitions]
pile2 a large post of steel, wood, or concrete that is forced or pounded into the ground to support something. Piles are used to hold up bridges, walls, buildings, and other structures.
pile3 the thick, soft fiber on the surface of a rug or a piece of cloth. Pile is made of loops of yarn or other material that are sometimes cut.
pilgrim someone who takes a trip to a holy place for a religious purpose. [2 definitions]
pilgrimage a usually long trip undertaken for religious purposes, such as to visit a holy place.
Pilipino the native language of the Philippines, and one of the two official languages spoken there. The other official language is English. Pilipino is also called "Filipino."
pill a small tablet of medicine that is taken by mouth.
pillar a tall column shaped like a cylinder that is used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument.
pill bug a small animal that resembles an insect, but with more legs. Pill bugs have segmented bodies that they can curl into a ball.
pillory a wooden structure that had holes for holding a person's head and hands. Pillories were used in early America to punish people who had broken the law by having them displayed in this way and be laughed at by the public.
pillow a soft pad filled with stuffing and used for resting the head on while sleeping.