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dih spleI
parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: verb
inflections: displays, displaying, displayed
definition 1: to cause to be seen; show.
Artists display their paintings along the sidewalks of New York City.
exhibit, present, show
definition 2: to make known; disclose.
He doesn't like to display his emotions.
demonstrate, disclose, reveal, show, uncover
similar words:
exhibit, expose, prove, reflect
part of speech: noun
definition 1: an act or instance of displaying.
We had never seen such a display of anger from him.
exhibition, presentation, show
similar words:
demonstration, exposition, flash, revelation
definition 2: a careful arrangement of items for viewing.
We looked over the display of fine jewelry in the shop window.John's father is very proud of his display of trophies.
similar words:
definition 3: anything put out in order to be seen by others.
There were some excellent displays at the science fair, and each one really helped explain the experiment that the student had carried out.The fireworks display was really great this year for the Fourth of July.
array, exhibition
similar words:
exhibit, exposition, parade, presentation, show
definition 4: in computers, the screen on which information is shown, or the information itself.
Please follow the instructions you see on the display.
similar words:
data, monitor, screen
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  advertise, advertisement, skeleton
Word Parts  About this feature
The word display contains the following parts:
dis- Latin prefix that means not; apart; reverse, negate
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The prefix dis- occurs in English attached to Latin roots, as in dissent , but also forms words in English by attaching to verbs (dishearten) and nouns (disbelief ). dis- has two other forms, as the "s" sound in dis- assimilates to the initial sound of the base to which it is attached. See the assimilated forms dif- and di-3.
de-, un-
plic, plex, ply Latin root that means fold, plait