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e l kwihnt
Word Parts
part of speech: adjective
definition: using words well, in a way that others enjoy hearing or reading.
The crowd applauded loudly after her eloquent speech.
similar words:
effective, flowing, fluent, graceful, poetic
derivations: eloquently (adv.), eloquentness (n.)
Word Parts  About this feature
The word eloquent contains the following parts:
e- Latin prefix that means out, out of, away
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The prefix e- is an assimilated form of ex- used before roots beginning with certain consonants (b d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v). See ex-.
loqu, locu Latin root that means speak; speech
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-ant, -ent Latin adjective- and noun-forming suffix that means (in adjectives) doing the action denoted by the verb root; (in nouns) one who or that which does the action denoted by the verb root.
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The suffix -ant , -ent forms adjectives and, to a much lesser extent, nouns from Latin verb stems such as fid in confident and stud in student . This suffix is the equivalent in Latin of the "-ing" inflection in English. Many adjectives ending in -ant , -ent have a corresponding noun ending in -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency.