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Language Note, Word Parts
part of speech: adjective
definition: able to catch on fire easily.
Dry leaves are flammable.
derivation: flammability (n.)
Language Note
Flammable and inflammable sound like they are antonyms, or opposites. In fact, they are synonyms, words that have the same meaning. Both flammable and inflammable mean "quick to catch fire and burn." You might see either word printed on a warning sign on a tank truck. If you want to describe something that is slow or not able to catch fire and burn, try "not flammable" or "fire-resistant."
Word Parts  About this feature
The word flammable contains the following part:
-able, -ible, -ble Latin adjective-forming suffix that means capable of being, doing, or undergoing
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The suffix -able , and its variants, is attached to Latin verb roots or English transitive verbs to form adjectives. (In a small set of cases, -able is attached to a noun, e.g. knowledgeable and marriageable.) For spelling purposes, it is useful to know that -able is more likely to be added to a whole English word (comparable, adorable ), while -ible is more likely to follow a bound root (visible , legible ). However,there are still many words which combine a root with -able (capable , inevitable ). The suffix -ity can be added to any adjective ending in -able , -ible , -ble to produce a corresponding noun ending in -ability, -ibility, -bility (possible + -ity > possibility; irrevocable + -ity > irrevocability.)