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In kn spIk yu s
Word Parts
part of speech: adjective
definition: not likely to be seen or noticed.
The color of its skin makes the snake inconspicuous in the woods.
conspicuous, prominent
similar words:
insignificant, modest
derivations: inconspicuously (adv.), inconspicuousness (n.)
Word Parts  About this feature
The word inconspicuous contains the following parts:
con- Latin prefix that means with, together
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The prefix con- is an assimilated form of com- used before roots beginning with c, d, f, g, j, n, s, t, and v. See com-. Note: con- is frequently an intensive prefix, as in "conceive ."
in-2 Latin prefix that means not, without
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The prefix in-2 occurs in Latin loanwords and attaches to Latinate bases. The bases of most words prefixed with in-2 are independent adjectives (inadvertent, incognizant), although the base adjective may no longer be in widespread use (as with incessant ). Exceptions include iniquitous and indignant . -in2 has multiple forms, as the 'n' sound in in-2 assimilates to the initial sound of the base to which it is attached. See the assimilated forms ig-, il-2, im-2, and ir-2.
-ous, -ious Latin adjective-forming suffix that means full of, characterized by
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The suffix "-ous , -ious " attaches to Latin, Greek, and native English roots