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ihn dIg nnt
Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: adjective
definition: feeling or showing anger about something considered to be unfair or without value.
When asked if she was lying, she gave an indignant reply.
angry, incense, irate, sore
similar words:
annoyed, exasperated, furious, hot
derivation: indignantly (adv.)
Word Explorer
  angry, emotion
Word Parts  About this feature
The word indignant contains the following parts:
in-2 Latin prefix that means not, without
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The prefix in-2 occurs in Latin loanwords and attaches to Latinate bases. The bases of most words prefixed with in-2 are independent adjectives (inadvertent, incognizant), although the base adjective may no longer be in widespread use (as with incessant ). Exceptions include iniquitous and indignant . -in2 has multiple forms, as the 'n' sound in in-2 assimilates to the initial sound of the base to which it is attached. See the assimilated forms ig-, il-2, im-2, and ir-2.
dign Latin root that means worthy
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-ant, -ent Latin adjective- and noun-forming suffix that means (in adjectives) doing the action denoted by the verb root; (in nouns) one who or that which does the action denoted by the verb root.
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The suffix -ant , -ent forms adjectives and, to a much lesser extent, nouns from Latin verb stems such as fid in confident and stud in student . This suffix is the equivalent in Latin of the "-ing" inflection in English. Many adjectives ending in -ant , -ent have a corresponding noun ending in -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency.