Word Explorer
Children's Dictionary


parts of speech:
adverb, adjective, preposition, noun
be out of, run out
part of speech: adverb
definition 1: beyond the limits; away.
fuera, afuera
The hamster got out of its cage.El hámster salió de su jaula.
similar words:
forth, forward
definition 2: outdoors, or to a place other than one's ordinary indoor location.
fuera, afuera
She shut off the TV and told us to go out and play.I hope we can go out for dinner tonight.Ella apagó la TV y nos dijo que fuéramos afuera a jugar.
definition 3: not included.
fuera, afuera
He was left out of the game.Lo dejaron fuera del juego.
definition 4: so as not to operate; off.
fuera de operación, apagado
Turn the lights out.Pon las luces apagadas. lit.Apaga las luces. lib.
definition 5: into public notice.
al público, a conocer, afuera
The film finally came out.Ya dieron a conocer la película. lit.Ya salió la película. lib.
definition 6: into a state of no longer being in existence or having in one's possession.
agotándose, acabándose
Time is running out.El tiempo está acabandose.
definition 7: from a material.
The chimney is made out of stone.La chimenea está hecha sacada de piedra. lit.La chimenea está hecha de piedra. lib.
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: beyond certain limits.
fuera, afuera
The ball was out.La bola estaba fuera.
similar words:
out of bounds
definition 2: not present.
fuera, afuera
Mrs. Ferguson is out; may I take a message?La Sra. Ferguson está fuera. ¿Puedo tomar el mensaje?
definition 3: not having; being without (usually followed by "of").
libre de
We are out of sugar.Nos quedamos libres de azúcar. lit.Nos quedamos sin azúcar. lib.
definition 4: removed from play in baseball or softball.
The second baseman makes the catch, and the batter is out.El segunda base hizo la atrapada y el bateador está fuera.
part of speech: preposition
definition: through.
hacia fuera
My advice to you goes in one ear and out the other.Mi consejo te entra por un oído y va hacia fuera por el otro. lit.Mi consejo te entra por un oído y sale por el otro. lib.
part of speech: noun
definition: any play in baseball that removes a player from the possibility of scoring.
The team has two outs.El equipo tiene dos fueras.
phrase: be out of, run out